COVID-19 Update: We are fully vaccinated!
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A tradition of trust since 1979
Rental property management company vancouver

Casa Rental Management - 2020 - The Year of Covid 19

December 22nd 2020
December 2020

This year had a normal start. Then COVID-19 hit. This virus impacted businesses around the world with a vengeance. 

CASA Rental Management was no exception. We had to change our processes very quickly to adapt to the new norm. Was it difficult? In one word, yes. Fortunately, we have amazing staff, amazing owners, and amazing tenants.

Did all our tenants pay their rent? Yes. Was that normal for the industry? No. 

Why did it work for us? Transparency. Everyone was treated with respect and kept informed. That we attribute to our staff. 

Although it has been difficult and some things have been delayed, we have made this work. Emergency repairs were done, appliances replaced, gutters cleaned. Anything that needed to be done, has been completed or is in process.  A little differently for sure, lots of video, photos, no group showings of properties and safety. Casa Rental Management has been all about safety. New safety protocols include, masks, distancing, cleaning, washing our hands. The new norm.

We have continued to have people move in and out of our rental properties. Have there been challenges? Of course, but nothing that we could not handle. 

We continue to take on new properties and hope to take on many more in the new year. If you know someone that could use an experienced management company to assist, we would be happy to help. Just give us a call or email.

We would like to thank our owners and tenants for being so patient and understanding and hope the 2021 new year will bring everyone good health and happiness and the strength to get through this.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year 

From Casa Rental Management